【ドイツ語】こっち向いて Baby(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク – Chocolatex3Music

Chocolatex3Musicさんが歌うドイツ語版 こっち向いて Baby(VOCALOID)
“Kocchi Muite Baby (VOCALOID)” sung by Chocolatex3Music in German.


Ich fühle mich als wär ich nun Verloren, in einer Zeit die mich mit dir hier stehn lässt.
Ich will nicht drüber reden, doch will ich das eine. Ja ich will das eine…aber was ist das eine ?
Männer sind mehr als nur durchschaubar, gebt es zu ihr dachtet wieder das eine !
Doch ich weiß genau das du nicht lügen kann, Man siehts dir an, reicht das nicht?

Es Gibt keinen Platz mehr für ausreden, ich will mit dir darüber auch nicht reden
Verstehst du mich? Ja?
Überleg dir lieber was du jetzt genau sagst, doch ist es mir egal was du nun fragst
Ahhh ~ du Lernst es wohl nie

Hey! Komm, Schau zu mir rüber Baby! Ich lass dir kein \”nein\” mehr durchgeh\’n,
Denn ich mein es diesmal total ernst!
Denn – mit meinen Fesselnden Lippen, wirst du mir nie widerstehen.
Denn du wirst bald meine Sklave sein
Also schau zu mir und lass dich verführ\’n! Ouhh!!
Come on Baby !! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Ich kann dir die Wahrheit leider nicht sagen, egal wie lang du wartest, ich werd nichts sagen.
Den ich möchte das du mich erst von hinten umarmst. Ja, genauso ! Hey Finger weg da.

Mach ein Punkt lass uns nun klar Text reden, denn ich will einfach nicht so weiter Leben. Also hör gut zu?
Alles was du sagst werd ich nun Ignorieren, denn ich hab keine Lust zu diskutieren.
Lass dich einfach fall\’n

Hey! Komm, Schau zu mir rüber Baby! Ich lass dir kein \”nein\” mehr durchgeh\’n.
Weil ich dich in Stimmung bringen will.
Knie nieder und verehr mich allein, denn ich will das du nur mich siehst.
Denn du wirst bald meine Sklave sein
Nicht so Schüchtern ich bin auch ganz brav!! ~

Worte sind nicht mehr genug um dir – zu zeigen wie unsere herzen im Takt – schlagen.
Mein Verstand verabschiedet sich und lässt mich — allein mit dir, oh Gott wie „ärgerlich\”
Ohh, das ist nur – wegen dir!

Hey! Komm, Schau zu mir rüber Baby! Wie oft soll ichs dir noch sagen
Weil ich so langsam die Lust verlier.
Auch wenn desinteressiert an dir bin, wirkst du noch viel interessanter
Wenn du ab hier die Führung übernimmst
Oder hast du ein Problem damit?

【英語】Rolling Girl(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク – Ketsuban

Ketsubanさんが歌う英語版 Rolling Girl(VOCALOID)
“Rolling Girl (VOCALOID)” sung by Ketsuban in English.


Lonely girl is always in a dream
That never will be reality
There are so many thoughts inside her little head
She scratches at them!
She scratches at them!

“It’s alright!” the words come out so light,
That in return, it’s gone to the air.

You always fail, you always fail,
Her search for her own mistakes has no end,
Guess it’s time to roll again!

One more time,
One more time,
“I promise that I will roll only one more time”
That girl says, That girl says,
Playing with the metaphor as if she’s fine
“Are you okay?”
“I’m not ready yet,
The future still seems so far away
What if I stop breathing, today?”

Rolling girl falls prey to decay
Beyond colors that are so mundane
I can hear voices inside my head
Can’t you hear what they’ve said
Can’t you hear what they’ve said

“I’m okay” the words come out so light,
That they drift off into the air and out of sight.

Are you good enough?
How could you be good?
Even the hill tempting me to roll is making mistakes

One more time,
One more time,
“I promise that I will roll only one more time”
That girl says, That girl says,
Silently repeating the true meaning of her words,
“Are you okay?”
“There’s just little more,
It’s nearly time for me to show you something–
I’m gonna stop breathing, right now.”

One more time,
One more time,
“I promise that I will roll only one more time”
That girl says, That girl says,
She laughs aloud and it rings and chimes,
“One more time, are you alright? You must be so sick and tired of this life.”
And you stole my breath away, that day.

【英語】千本桜(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク – Dreambelieva

Dreambelievaさんが歌う英語版 千本桜(VOCALOID)
“Senbonzakura (VOCALOID)” sung by Dreambelieva in English.


With the air of bold intentions,
came the Western Revolution
And now, it’s an open, upright Pacifist nation

On my penny farthing I hang
a white flag with a red circle
Chase away all evil with my ICBM

Without stopping, I’ll keep riding along
Being on the move for who knows how long
Boys and girls as unrivalled warriors
mimic the colours of the past

Thousands of sakura recede into the night
Do you know that your voice will never reach me here?
These banquets of sorts are inside an iron cage
Look down on us from your shearing guillotine

This hellish, floating world is consumed by darkness
Your laments are in vain, yet you sing nonetheless
That blue sky paradise is still so far away
With your ray gun shoot for that blue distant sky

Hundreds of fights will give one the mighty look of an officer
Here and there are the mistresses parading through
This one, that one, they all gather
One by one, they come together
Assembling the march of saints, 1,2,3,4

Passing through the gates to the mountain top
Warding off evil that lingers on this world
Certainly, the finale coming close
closes the act with a grand applause

Thousands of sakura recede into the night
Do you know that your voice will never reach me here?
These banquets of sorts are inside an iron cage
You looked down on us from your tall guillotine

This profound universe is consumed by darkness
Your laments are in vain, yet you sing nonetheless
But your steep slope of hopes is still too faraway
Go ahead and shoot up your flashing grenade

[epic piano and guitar solo]

Without stopping, I’ll keep riding along
being on the move for who knows how long
Boys and girls as unrivalled warriors
mimic the colours of the past

Thousands of sakura recede into the night
Do you know that your voice will never reach me here?
These banquets of sorts are inside an iron cage
Just leap off from that tall, shearing guillotine

The thousand sakura recede into the night
If you choose to sing then I will dance right along
These banquets of sorts are inside an iron cage
So now, with that ray gun, fire away!

【ドイツ語】戯言スピーカー(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク – xUnreachablee

xUnreachableeさんが歌うドイツ語版 戯言スピーカー(VOCALOID)
“Tawagoto Speaker (VOCALOID)” sung by xUnreachablee in German.


Gefühle in mir, in meinem Herz,
Löscht ich, löscht ich aus voller Schmerz
Das Lächel’n von mir wird nie vergeh’n,
Gefüllt, gefüllt ist es mit Trän’
Das Leid das ich fühl, mir Narben sticht,
Es schmerzt, es schmerzt doch sag ich’s nicht
Denn selbst wenn ich’s tat, um hilfe bat,
Erkennt ihr es nicht an…

All die Worte die ihr sagt,sind das was mich im Herzen plagt
Könnt ihr es überhaupt noch seh’n
Mein Herz könnt ihr wohl nicht versteh’n
Ein Licht dem man den Strom abdreht,
Und es dann lyncht weil es nicht geht
„Ich selbst” bin eine „Lüge” ganz allein
von „Mir selbst”

【ドイツ語】サイハテ(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク – MrsDubCake & KawaiNekoChi

MrsDubCake & KawaiNekoChiさんが歌うドイツ語版 サイハテ(VOCALOID)
“Saihate (VOCALOID)” sung by MrsDubCake & KawaiNekoChi in German.


Ich frag mich,wo du hingehst,
Ich weiß ich kann dir nicht folgen.
Sag,hast du mich gerettet?
Die Schuldgefühle hören nicht auf.
Ich wünscht ich könnt’ bei dir sein.
Tief in mir kann ich dich immer noch fühlen.
melodien in meinem herz singen zu dir.
ich weiß sie erreichen dich.

Keine Wolke am firnament.
Regen kann meine Tränen nicht verstecken.
Dies ist wohl unser letzter Tag.
und ich weiß nicht,wie ich es sagen soll.
In so einem einfachem weg
färbtest du meine Welt von grau zu bunt.
Auch heißt’s nun ‘aufwiedersehen’.
Du gabst mir den Mut zu sagen:

【英語】マカロン(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク

Imoristarさんが歌う英語版 マカロン(VOCALOID)
“MACARON (VOCALOID)” sung by Imoristar in English.


Crunchy crispy. sweet smells.
The cream filling. The foot.
In its ruffled dress grown out of it,
a pretty dancing dream.
When roses and chocolate are mixed
into the batter, melt into an angel.
sparkle sparkle! Ding-dong!
It’s a march of marbles!
Enclosed in a small box with many colors,
rounding rounding.
Your excitement starts to elevate,
your heart races. circled paradise.

I will take a swim in your mouth,
as my egg white sways in the moonlight
To complete the finale of life,
please chew me up with your sharp teeth.

the moments echo, zero time
I fly towards the tens of thousands of your taste buds,
to reach that one paradise.
So tonight, please eat as much as you want.

Crunchy crispy. sweet smells.
The cream filling. The foot.
In its ruffled dress grown out of it,
a pretty dancing dream.
When roses and chocolate are mixed
into the batter, melt into an angel.
sparkle sparkle! Ding-dong!
It’s a march of marbles!
Enclosed in a small box with many colors,
rounding rounding.
Your excitement starts to elevate,
your heart races. circled paradise.

M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La

I will take a swim, in your mouth,
as my egg white sways in the moonlight
To complete the finale of life,
please chew me up with your sharp teeth.

the moments echo, zero time
I fly towards the tens of thousands of your taste buds,
to reach that one paradise.
So tonight, please eat as much as you want.

M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La
M A C A R O N La

【英語】Star Story(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク

Imoristarさんが歌う英語版 Star Story(VOCALOID)
“Star Story (VOCALOID)” sung by Imoristar in English.


Im floating in the sky, just like the moon I fly
yet i wish it wasn’t true, i cant reach out and hold you
through darkness I can see, a future that is free

even if i shout till dawn my voice ceases to go on
someday up above, will it reach that, road in the wind, our words of love?

crossing over the skies, exceeding in the stars
i wonder where you are, please hear this message
traversing through time and space, theres no light in this place
but i will sing to you, a star story

crossing the darkest sky, landing on stars i cry
they are the stars of love that shine before us
endless love sent to me, and though our sweetest kiss
gives me my dying wish, a star story..


Original singer: Hatsune Miku
Original lyrics: ryo

English singer: Miku-tan
English lyrics: Miku-tan

got it?: 分かった?、理解できた?
notice: 気が付く
different: 違う
make sure: 確かめる、見る
closely: 念入りに、ちゃんと
understand: 理解する、分かる
do something: 何とかする
selfish: わがまま
from the heart: 心を込めて、心から
impossible: 不可能
right now: 今すぐ
flaw: 欠点
adorable: かわいい
allow: 許す
complain: 文句
obvious: 明らかな
kneel: ひざまづく
difficult: 難しい
scold: 叱る
every once in a while: たまに、少しくらい
about time: そろそろ
empty: 空いている
silent: 静か、無言
for crying out loud: お願いだから、どうして!
hurry up: 急いで、早く
melting: とろける
everything: 全て、みんな
give it up: あきらめる
selfish brat: わがままな子
regret: 後悔
sooner or later: いつかは、あとで
somewhere: どこか
hugged: 抱きしめられた
get run over: 轢かれる
dangerous: 危ない

I’m the number one
princess in the whole wide world

そういう扱い 心得てよね
so make sure you know by heart
how to treat me…
got it?

その一 いつもと違う髪形に気が付くこと
number one
you must notice how my hairstyle’s
different from how I look every day

その二 ちゃんと靴まで見ること
number two
make sure you look down closely at my shoes, ok?

その三 わたしの一言には三つの言葉で返事すること
number three
Answer in three letters “I love you”
whenever I open my mouth and speak to you

If you understand,
So, do something now about my open right hand

it’s not like

I’m being selfish and trying to bother you

I just want you to feel from the heart,
that I’m the best to you, because I am the

number one princess in the whole wide world

気が付いて ねえねえ
You will notice me hey hey

It’s quite impossible to make me wait

Who do you think the hell that I am

もう何だか あまいものが食べたい!
Now I want to eat something sweet right now.

Right now, you hear?

欠点? かわいいの間違いでしょ
Flaws?I think you mean adorable mistakes

you aren’t allowed to complain okay

I say!Are you listening to what I’m saying?hey!

Oh and also!

あ、それとね 白いおうまさん
A little pony that is white that much is obvious

Come and pick me up

If you get it now
kneel before me, take my hand say “my princess”

It’s not that

I’m difficult or selfish or anything like that

however you should know that it is
okay to scold me every once in a while

In this world, a prince
who belongs only to me

気が付いて ほらほら
about time you noticed hey hey

that both my hands are empty

A prince who is
oh so silent yet cold

もう どうして!
Oh for crying out loud!

Hurry up and notice it now

It’s obvious that you still
do not understand

Do not understand at all.

Many many strawberries on a short cake

Using special eggs to make melting rich pudding!

みんな みんな 我慢します……
Everything, everything. I will give it up

Please don’t think that I’m such a selfish brat

I can do it if I really want to

You’ll regret it sooner or later

Hey of course!Because I am your

number one
princess in the whole wide world

Keep your eyes on only me,

or I’ll go somewhere you don’t know

Then you hugged me from the back..

急に そんな! えっ?
It was so sudden.. hey!

「轢かれる 危ないよ」
You say “Watch out, you’re gonna get run over”
and you turned away

..you are the one more dangerous to me

【英語】どうでもいい!(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク

JubyPhonicさんが歌う英語版 どうでもいい!(VOCALOID)
“Whatever! (VOCALOID)” sung by JubyPhonic in English.


No-no-no-nobody cares!
No-no-no-nobody cares!

Although my body aint rough, my gun show used to be tough
And all my homies hollah-ed “bad ass” as I strutted down the street
So all the gang and my crew, would scare the crap outta you
And make you wish you hadn’t been super dissing me and

Saying Nobody cares about you
(So meeeeaan!)
Why you gotta act like such a noob?
But then again, if that’s your life
Its best for you to get some help (Oh nooooo!)

No-no-no-nobody cares!
nobody cares! nobody cares!
No-no-no-nobody cares!
Nobody cares bout you!
(Oh Oh Oh yeaaaah!)

One day as normal as this, Just eating lunch for a bit
In fact it tasted so good that I didn’t really care
About a rude foreign pair, looking down on in despair
Fending my very tasty tidbit from the bitterest of slurs

Saying that Nobody cares about you
Why you gotta act like such a butt (tabete wa ikemasen)
But then again, that’s kind of harsh
But then again it’s really not

No-no-no-nobody cares!
nobody cares! nobody cares!
No-no-no-nobody cares!
Nobody cares bout you!

Nobody cares about me?
Songs like this are slighted, honestly
But then again, if this is a joke
Why bother posting it at all?!

No-no-no-nobody cares!
nobody cares! nobody cares!
No-no-no-nobody cares!
Nobody cares bout you!

No-no-no-nobody cares!
nobody cares! nobody cares!
No-no-no-nobody cares!
Nobody cares bout you!

Ranking is stupid!
Views are so pointless!
(Oh Oh Oh Yeaahh!)