【英語】サイノウサンプラー(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク

LucyHasYouさんが歌う英語版 サイノウサンプラー(VOCALOID)
“Talent Sampler (VOCALOID)” sung by LucyHasYou in English.


Lying here by your side,
Holding a knife to the light
Turning to face your fate,
I cut what I cannot have

Who could be better than you?
With talents I had to pursue,
Share with me all that you hate,
I’ll cut what I want to take away and burn.

I loved to feel you fade and die,
A pleasant touch, as I supplied
The means to use your gifts for good,
But the moment stopped quicker than it should.

Oh tell me why,
Why on Earth I
Tried to believe the deed that I passed was real?
Ah how could I allow, looking at it now,
Seeing you still and not breathing

Trembling with fear and with joy,
You spoke as I tried to destroy,
Feigning an ignorant stance,
I took upon the chance to cut away and burn

I thought the pain I felt was real,
Now I’m not sure, of what I feel.
I’m lost for words, I just don’t know
But it grows; the lust for another go.

Oh tell me why,
Why on Earth I
Tried to believe the deed that I passed was real?
Ah look at me allow, where you’re lying now,
Seeing you still and not breathing

Give me your every skill,
Give me your every single will,
Grant me your talents for the need,
My collection,
Feed my greed; I’ll feel the bleed
But I’ll never be you

Oh tell me why,
Why on Earth I
Tried to believe the deed that I passed was real?
Ah here you’re lying now, watching me allow,
Seeing you still, but not there,

Watch me cry,
As I ask why,
Dripping with the guilt, the debt that I have to pay,
Ah see me lying now, watching you allow,
Cutting away what I can’t have

Why won’t you see that I’m your-


Access ranking May 2013

→ 1位: 【英語】Crossing Field(ソードアート・オンライン) – LiSA

→ 2位: 【英語】BLOODY STREAM(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険) – Coda

↗ 3位: 【英語】コネクト(魔法少女まどか☆マギカ) – ClariS

↘ 4位: 【英語】君の知らない物語(化物語) – supercell

↑ 5位: 【ロシア語】美しき残酷な世界(進撃の巨人) – 日笠陽子

↗ 6位: 【英語】Overfly(ソードアート・オンライン) – 春奈るな

↑ 7位: 【英語】Irony(俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない) – ClariS – Miku-tan

↑ 8位: 【ドイツ語】この美しき残酷な世界(進撃の巨人) – 日笠陽子

↑ 9位: 【英語】ユメセカイ(ソードアート・オンライン) – 戸松遥

↘ 10位: 【英語】千本桜(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク

Crossing field は5ヶ月間も1位です。 私も好きです -^^-
Crossing field is 1st for 5 months. I like this, too -^^-

【英語】渇いた叫び(遊戯王) – FIELD OF VIEW

Imoristarさんが歌う英語版 渇いた叫び(遊戯王)
“Kawaita Sakebi (YuGi-Oh!)” sung by Imoristar in English.


walking further down this bitter street, with all my hopes lying at my feet.
Counting the dreams that choose to fade away
I see my friends, they lessen every day
on the street, theres a familiar scene. I am lost deep down within my soul
in the dark created on my own, there lies a different me.

A yell of thirst, an awful sound
pierces my heart the sadness is felt all around
take my hand, I want to go see the world just you and me (come along with me)
Inside my heart, no one must see, knowledge that shines the ones who just can’t understand
time to find, the hidden key
go advance, fly at higher game!

We yearn right now to cross bitterness, leaving behind the hurt that we felt
never stopping, we seek to end the pain,
the sun will shine yet there is only rain
if time reset maybe we’d meet somewhere,
inside my heart I know I see you there.
wont give up until my wish is true,
I will see you again.

Such harmful thoughts, I cannot not cry,
and yet why are, these emotions so hard to deny.
I realized, that falling in love might not really be so bad
(come along together now)
Theres no worry, there is no fear
because I feel, at ease, when you are near
flowers bloom within my heart
the time is now, just take my hand.

A yell of thirst, an awful sound
shadows of pain are sending me spiraling down
take my hand, I want to go see the world just you and me (come along with me)
Inside my dreams, no one has seen, the answers that,
only you seem to comprehend
I hope that you, believe in me
the time is now, just take my hand
so now we walk, my journey with you.

【ドイツ語】Paradise Lost(喰霊―零―) – 茅原実里

EinsteinGroovingさんが歌うドイツ語版 Paradise Lost(喰霊―零―)
“Paradise Lost (Garei Zero)” sung by EinsteinGrooving in German.


Hab’s in deinen Augen gesehn
Der Schatten und Schmerz stehn darin
Ziehe dich zurück, kehr nun um
Sonst werden deine Gefühle gesehn

Die Erde unter uns bricht
Der Weg zurück ist versperrt
Ergreif die Hand, die schon so lang nach dir sucht

Die unbeschwerte Zeit, verblasst nun immer mehr
Ich werde nicht dulden, dass diese Erinnerung an uns stirbt

Das ist das verlorene Paradies
Die Suche nach dem Licht in der Ferne erfüllt mein Herz
Und sei es auch hoffnungslos
Mein Rufen nach dir wird niemals aufhörn

Ketten haben mich gelähmt
Der Himmel wartet nun darauf mich zu befrein
Ich möchte es glauben, ich will es sehn
Wir sind nicht allein

Wir werden verstehn (wir suchen danach)
Was uns zusammenhält
Wir geben nicht auf (wir lassen nicht gehn)
Die Zukunft die vor uns liegt

【ドイツ語】disillusion 2010(Fate/Stay Night) – タイナカサチ

EinsteinGroovingさんが歌うドイツ語版 disillusion 2010(Fate/Stay Night)
“disillusion 2010 (Fate/Stay Night)” sung by EinsteinGrooving in German.


Selbst wenn mein Herz nicht reichen sollte
Gibt es nichts, was ich mir so sehr wünsche, erträumte
Mein wahres Selbst steht hier und wartet auf die ANtwort
Ich gebe jetzt nicht auf!

Mein Ruf erreicht nicht, die Schatten des Traums
Den ich schon so lang in mir trug
Je mehr ich mich frag, was morgen sein wird
Denk ich an Wünsche die niemals wahr werden….

Fang nun die fallenden Splitter auf, halte sie in deiner Hand
Spürst du das Schlagen des Herzens in dir?
Nimm dir Mut und steig auf in die Nacht!

【英語】明日への勇気(魔法騎士レイアース) – 吉成圭子

Imoristarさんが歌う英語版 明日への勇気(魔法騎士レイアース)
“Asu e No Yuuki (Magic Knight Rayearth)” sung by Imoristar in English.


put the best smile you can on your face
and– push down hard on that pedal, yes you can !
Even if a strong wind begins to cross your path
Don’t give up hope so easily
head for the blue sea, that whispers in your ear
what you really need to know right now..
power that lets you win over your tears

so now do the best you can !
Your eyes will be someday soon..
basking in the warm sun-light and will start to shine
always believe in your heart, and never choose to give up
your faith becomes courage to live more day !

Just take a breath, and hold your back straight
cus if, you always look down, theres no pride
and do not ever give up on the strength inside
your belief will help you go on
painful changes can bend the rail of your heart
yet you must just keep going forth
continue to walk without turning back

your dreams will always come true! But you must continue on
in the pursuit of your hopes, and never give up
your tears they will someday shine!
Brighter than the finest jewels
your strength right now is victory every day

head for the blue sea, that whispers in your ear
what you really need to know right now..
power that lets you win over your tears

so now do the best you can !
Your eyes will be someday soon..
basking in the warm sun-light and will start to shine
always believe in your heart, and never choose to give up
your faith becomes courage to live more day !

【英語】紅蓮の弓矢(進撃の巨人) – Linked Horizon

geekymcgeeksteinさんが歌う英語版 紅蓮の弓矢(進撃の巨人)
“Guren no Yumiya (Attack on Titan)” sung by geekymcgeekstein in English.


Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger

Countless flowers crushed forever,
Left for dead and names forgotten
Fallen birds long to be taken
By a wind that’s foul and rotten
Praying while the gods ignore you
Leads to fear that makes you cower
But to change the fate before you
Means to fight with all your power

Pigs who languish in their cowardice
Cannot step over corpses that clutter their path
Will you be complacent, always obeisant
Or wake the starving wolf inside you?

Shame from the cage we gilded with sorrow
Gives us the will to fight for tomorrow
Even a lamb content in its pasture
Can be transformed into a hunter
Longing for blood and headed for battle
Now we are wolves where once we were cattle
Raising the cry we charge into twilight
We continue to fight!