【英語】旅の途中(狼と香辛料) – 清浦夏実

JoeJoeSing’sさんが歌う英語版 旅の途中(狼と香辛料)
“Tabi no Tochuu (Spice and Wolf)” sung by JoeJoeSing’s in English.


Traveling alone
On my journey home
Falling without a will

My heart raced away
Further every day
Only my legs stood still

But now I can move
Knowing I’m with you
Over the hills and seas

Now I’m not afraid
I’ve a place to stay
Since you took over me

Even the foreign songs travellers sing
Can seem so familiar to me
With you by my side there’s no place that’s not home
For once I know I can be free

If the world that we both dreamed of
Could be out there in the distance
Then shall we go, moving forward
flying somewhere past the wind?

Oh the somber freezing morning
And the aching blistered evening
And the dark and shivering nighttime
Let us see what lies past them.

In your eyes I see
Colors of your grief
Loneliness we both knew

But those colors now
We both know have drowned
Washed out once our love grew

I feel I can fly up into the night sky
And I’ll become the crescent moon
The mint colored stars that will cradle me so
Are remnants of tears shed by you

A dock by the east sea, or harbors at west sea, I’ll roam the world with you
A gold southern tower, a valley of flowers, beyond us all is new
But north on a hill, and reflected there still I know we can see the same moon.

For as long as you will let me
I will hold you to me tightly
And I’ll only want to ask you
Just how far we plan to go
If the ending doesn’t matter
Then I’ll go until we shatter
Let’s go diving in and taste scents
Of the world we’ve yet to know.

【英語】COOL EDITION(涼宮ハルヒ) – 桑谷夏子

Belaさんが歌う英語版 COOL EDITION(涼宮ハルヒ)
“COOL EDITION (Haruhi Suzumiya)” sung by Bela in English.


“They say it’s better to regret doing it than to regret not doing it, am I correct?”

“In that case, is it alright for me to force a sudden change based on my onsite observations?”

The real me is just a fragment of data who is breaking the rules
As you already know my name is not mentioned in the ending credits

What is the pattern that is called a heartbeat?
Is it the meaning of your existence?
I truly do not care; you’re just wasting both of our time!

I’m glad that my heart is made of ice, don’t get in the way!
It’s because of this icy shield; I can reach all my goals!
Don’t shine the warmth on me; it’s really meaningless!
I truly do not feel a thing, I’m in the dark!

“You see, I really want to see you die!”

I am unable to control my own will but I find this alright.
I merely want to disappear just like this last waltz we’re dancing to.

Your feelings of passion are making me laugh
Could you explain them mathematically?
I can’t help yawning to your pure seriousness!

I want to show you the world I see, but, please, just listen!
If I showed you, you’d be so scared you’d be paralyzed!
A place that’s full of dreams? That’s a really stupid idea!
There is no such a place; it doesn’t exist.

“If you die, Haruhi Suzumiya will surely produce a reaction.”
“I’ll probably get to observe an information explosion. It’s an unique opportunity, so, please, cooperate!”

“So, please, just die!”
I want to show you the world I see, but, please, just listen.
You’d get lost in an enumeration of symbols.

I’m glad that my heart is made of ice, don’t get in the way!
It’s because of this icy shield; I can reach all my goals!
Don’t shine the warmth on me; it’s really meaningless!
I truly do not feel a thing, I’m in the dark!

【スペイン語】願い星(キミキス pure rouge) – Snow*

InuYDesiさんが歌うスペイン語版 願い星(キミキス pure rouge)
“Negai Boshi (Kimikiss Pure Rouge)” sung by InuYDesi in Spanish.


Se desmoronará entre mi manos porque muy frágil puede ser
Nunca olvidaré la estrella y su deseo

En la esquina del aula se encuentra una extraña caja que no mostraré jamás, pretendo no verla allí
Aquella noche estrellada en que me acompañó a casa por primera vez, no he comido esa fruta aun

Con gran fuerza golpeé, lloré fuerte y grité
Están mis nervios hechos de seda de color y acero carbón y nada más

Mis sentimientos no podrán detenerse pues la estrella fugaz
los tiene dentro. Corre ya hacia esos diamantes.
Miles de sueños están escritos dentro de un cuaderno
Aunque atrapada esté yo se que te podré ver.

Nos convertimos en adultos poco a poco, uno a uno, y en nuestra amistad un corazón celoso está
Por eso es que se ocasiona que las razones incorrectas se comiencen a revolver, en la vasija hay mucho amor

Y de repente sucedió, apareciste ante mi
Todo el mundo se volvió de dorado color y tonos de amor, es especial
Yo no puedo creer que haya bellas lágrimas pero aun así
quizás las observe salir de tu mirada justo ahora
Miles de estrellas están cayendo, es una lluvia de estrellas
Dímelo por favor ¿qué es lo que viste hoy?

Me di cuenta de que las estaciones con el tiempo van a cambiar, y me puse a llorar

Mis sentimientos no podrán detenerse pues la estrella fugaz
los tiene dentro. Corre ya hacia esos diamantes.
Miles de sueños están escritos dentro de un cuaderno
Aunque atrapada esté yo se que te podré ver.

¿Por qué se acortarán? El brillo y la eternidad se acortarán
Ese día tu y yo con un beso hicimos una promesa
Se desmoronará entre mi manos porque muy frágil puede ser
Nunca olvidaré la estrella y su deseo


Original singer: Hatsune Miku
Original lyrics: 黒うさ

English singer: кran
English lyrics: кran

Thousands of cherry blossoms: 千本桜
revolution: 革命
pacifist nation: 平和主義国家、反戦国家
riding on: ~に乗る
penny-farthing: ペニーファージング(前輪が大きくて後輪が小さい自転車)
evil spirits: 悪霊
previous life: 前世
bouquet: ブーケ(フランス語)
looking down: 見下ろす
guillotine: ギロチン、断頭台
lament: 嘆き
trained: 訓練を受けた
struggle: 苦闘
officer: 将校
here and there: いったりきたり
harlot: 売春婦
saintly: 聖人
passing through: 浸透、潜り抜け
denouement: 大団円(フランス語)
applause: 拍手

With a bold and sudden calling, Western Revolution’s starting

Let our hearts be open to it

Pacifist nation

Riding on a penny-farthing, it’s the flag of our sun rising,

悪霊退散 ICBM
Warding evil spirits like an ICBM

On the train tracks, running along the line,

let us move forward. Don’t look behind.

Boys and girls becoming like samurai

just like those from our previous life

千本桜 夜ニ紛レ
Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can’t hear your voice, keep what I say in mind –

此処は宴 鋼の檻
This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see,

Looking down at us from that big guillotine

三千世界 常世之闇(とこよのやみ)
Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know

The lament that you sing can’t reach ears anymore

青藍(せいらん)の空 遥か彼方
We are still far away from reaching clear blue skies

Go ahead, keep shooting, with that ray gun, fight!

Veterans who’ve trained through struggles are now officers in battle

Here and there, we see the harlots in procession

This one, that one, doesn’t matter, every single person gathers

聖者の行進 わんっ つー さん しっ
March on to our saintly deaths now! 1, 2, san, shi

Passing through the gates on the mountain peaks,

Escaping this world, kill all the evil fiends

Surely this will end in a denouement

Among the crowds giving their applause

千本桜 夜ニ紛レ
Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can’t hear your voice, keep what I say in mind –

此処は宴 鋼の檻
This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see,

Looking down at us from that big guillotine

三千世界 常世之闇(とこよのやみ)
Darkness has just engulfed the universe we know

The lament that you sing can’t reach ears anymore

希望の丘 遥か彼方
We are still far away from reaching peaks of hope

Go ahead, keep shooting, use the flashing bolt!

On the train tracks, running along the line,

let us move forward. Don’t look behind.

Boys and girls becoming like samurai

just like those from our previous life

千本桜 夜ニ紛レ
Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Though I can’t hear your voice, keep what I say in mind –

此処は宴 鋼の檻
This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see,

Leaping down to us from that big guillotine

千本桜 夜ニ紛レ
Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light

Once your song can be heard, we’ll dance with all our might

此処は宴 鋼の檻
This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see,

Go ahead, keep shooting, with that ray gun, lead!

【英語】え?あぁ、そう。(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク

Miku-tanさんが歌う英語版 え?あぁ、そう。(VOCALOID)
“E? Aa, Sou. (VOCALOID)” sung by Miku-tan in English.


by LucyHasYou

For all the sentimental reasons reeling,
It’s only superficial feeling,
Bad shot, Cannot,
I’ll laugh when I’m steady,
This chance you’ll get, are you ready yet?

Although I often think it, for fun I will dream it,
I’ve never known the time to be so,
So happy, so snappy, you’ll be friendly,
Till the time you throw me away,

Ah stabbing me through the heart,
Just like a nightmare,
Giving the chance to start,
Just like a lie now,
Swirling and whirling,
If this is love I, cannot wait to part,
And run away,

Hey, call my name, shout as loud as you can,
I will adore so, more so, I really wanna scream,
Can’t escape, No, no, not if you’re in my lair,
And when you grin, I’ll win, you never saw me coming.

I do not hate it, want it, I bear it, I’m lying,
It’s bitter sweet but it’s making me nervous,
Really? I don’t know how to take this,
If I’m a whore, you’ll tell me the truth.

I say I’m stupid, foolish, dim-witted,
Brainless, slow, dim, let’s face it, I break it, I’m useless
I make it by in life by trusting the ones, who tell me,
I’m worth the fight,

Ah, fell from the skies above, could it be this love,
Petals in purple flight, like little raindrops
Spinning, and dancing; you feeling dizzy?
Maybe we’ll take a break, and run away?

Now show me baby, oh don’t you be scared,
Little touch, little kiss, feel a shiver down your spine,
Ah, yes let’s f*ck, till the morning is nigh,
I’ll fascinate, you’ll create, so we’re both still flying high,

This feeling sweet or nice,
We’ll make it once or twice,
When after all of the pitying noises cry,
We’ll be alone to feel,
We’ll know it’s all unreal,
Yes do you agree?
Yes do you believe?

Come on, you’ve called me for so many years,
What are complaints? No restraints? You’ve come here to play,
Hit, miss, so, so, are you ready or not?
Maybe you are? Or so far, are you scared to try?
It’s in your eyes; are you seeing me clear?
We’ve got the time, give it mine, feel your fingers down my spine,
Are you hard or soft? Are you ready to ‘come’?
Well if you are? Is it far? Are you waiting for me darling?
Ahh my darling,

【英語】All Alone With You(サイコパス) – EGOIST

Sapphireさんが歌う英語版 All Alone With You(サイコパス)
“All Alone With You (Psycho-pass)” sung by Sapphire in English.


I wanna know this feeling that they call love
It’s something I’ve been dreaming of
And yet I often tell myself I’m not deserving

Yeah seasons change but not a day goes by
that I don’t think of you and I
Would my thoughts become reality if you knew just how I feel?

I close my eyes
And hope that someone up there hears my prayer
But there’s no answer
I guess I’m on my own
But I have to know:
Are you still here?

You’ll never walk alone
Cause I’ll be here with you
No matter where you go
You know I’ll be there too
So baby, count on me
When the sin is yours to bear, I’ll take the fall
Only for you