【ロシア語】恋は戦争 - 初音ミク

Emnilyさんが歌うロシア語版 恋は戦争
“Love is war” sung by Emnily in Russian.


|Tip’er bolshe n’ekuda itti
Now, nowhere to go
|Eti chustva mne ne vyn’esti
I cant bear these feelings

|T’irajet neba tsvet, chorna-belaja bi~itva~a
Sky is losing its color, monochrome battle
|Sontse spr’atala svoj sv’et
Sunlight was hidden by sun
|Timn’ejut sumirki I min’ajutsa n’ezrima
Dusk is darkening and changing
|Aah, i mir plyv’ot v maih glazah
Aah, world ooze in my eyes
|Pus’ dazhe tak tib’a fs’o ravno l’ubl’u ja
Even so I still love you no matter what?
|Fs’o znaju ja, no shto d’e~elat mn’e sijchas
I understand everything, But what should I do now
|Da shto ja magu…Kak ja magu
And what can I … How can I …
|Vot dura ja…Tip’er’ zhe…
What a fool I am…And now

|Nachinajetsa ana! L’ubof’ eta vajna!
Its starting! Love is war!
|Tib’a uvidit’ s k’em-ta kto zaminil min’a
To see you with someone who replaced me
|I chustva chistaje tip’er zavut grihom
Earnest feeling is called sin now
|Tib’e ja svajo s’ertse pakazhu, kl’anus ja f to~om.
Ill show you my heart, I swear

||A m’egafon f katoryj krichala ja davno slamalsa on.
And Megaphone I screamed with was broken already
|Vybivalas’ ja iss sil
Ive tried with all my abilities
|No ty I ne vzgl’inul, ty min’a n’e zam’etil.
But you didnt watch, you didnt notice me
|Aah, a sv’etlyh n’eb’isah zabyt’ para~a, ih bolshe ja n’e uvizhu
Aah I must forget about clear sky, Ill never see them again
|Ja n’e magu stir’et svaju l’ubof’, da shto ja magu…Kak ja magu
I can’t get hold of my love and What can I… How can I…
|Paver’, ne plachu ja, smatri, ne plachu ja.
Believe me, Im not crying, look, Im not crying


|F bitv’e vstr’etims’a my, vystr’il f s’ertse budu zhdat’
Well meet in the battle, Ill wait for you shooting in my heart
|Net vr’emini nam sr’etstva astarozhna vybirat’
There’s no time for us selecting means
|Razvivalas’ na vitru majo plat’je slovna flag
My dress flapped in the wind like a flag
|Ty na min’a pasmotrish, ja tib’a zastavl’u,
Youll look at me, Ill force you

|K pirihvatu bud’ gatof
Get ready to intercept
|Vit’ vs’o ji(sh)’o zhystokaja vajna maja l’ubof’
Becauze my love still is horrible war situation
|Ana gluha, slipa ana
Its deaf, its blind
|Adin tvoj patseluj min’a prabudit ata sna
I’ll be awaken from the dream by one kiss of you




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