Zoozbuhさんが歌う英語版 ローリンガール Male version(VOCALOID)
“Rolling Girl Male version (VOCALOID)” sung by Zoozbuh in English.
A rolling girl is always far away
In her dream world she longs to stay
So much noise buzzing round inside her head
All the worries never end, all the worries never end…
“No problem” is so easily said
but now, is there any meaning left?
She fails once more, fails once more
After searching for the odd one out in the crowd,
she starts spinning again…
One more time, one more time
“I think I will keep rolling on today too”
And so she says, so she says
Making sure that each of her words is sincere
“Are you okay? No, I’m in a daze
Trying to escape but I just don’t see the point.
Maybe I should just stop breathing.”
A rolling girl feels she has reached the end,
The colours blend and can’t be felt
All these voices are fighting to be heard
They’re all merging into one, they’re all merging into one
“No problem” is so easily said
but now, those words have no meaning left
and how will I stay on the right path?
Even the hill’s tempting me to stray from what’s right;
make mistakes I’ll regret
Now one more time, one more time
“Somehow I’ll find a way to keep rolling”
So she says, so she says
Making sure her silent words are sincere
Are you alright? Just give me some time,
and I will do something about all this soon.
You’ll see when I stop breathing.
One more time, one more time
“I think I will keep rolling on today too”
And so she says, so she says
Making sure every word is said with a smile
Are you okay? Yes it’s okay..
You must be sick of all this, so let’s go and
I will now stop myself from breathing.
Jinさんが歌う英語版 カゲロウデイズ(VOCALOID)
“Kagerou Days (VOCALOID)” sung by Jin in English.
August 15th at 12:30 noon I don’t see a cloud above
The sun is shining down, what a pretty day
So sick of this summer heat I cant beat away the haze
the rays are giving way
And spending all of my time having conversations sitting next to you
“Hey but I…don’t really like the summertime”
And as you were petting on that cat you said such a daring thing
right from under your breath
Ah, and as that cat had ran away
You tried to chase it in the end
Jumping right out in front of a
traffic light that poured a shade of red bright red
Crashing in and breaking you to bits
That truck a heard a scream a little bit too late
Blood dripping everywhere and choking your smell of hair
I breathe in a gulp of air and just cant take it
Are these lies? The heat is mocking me
“What you see is exactly what you’re gonna get!”
And with the blue of sky I hear singing crickets cry and
fall right back into another dark sleep
Sitting up in my bed I could hear ticking clocks the shock
will mock my ever ringing head
I look to see the time
August 14th at 12 something noon I don’t see a cloud above
The sun is shining down
And yet I hear a cry of a cricket singing loudly in my head
“Hey but I…I really have to wonder why
Because in the dream I had last night we sat in the
same old park we are sitting at now
“Hey, I think the two of us should leave.”
But stepping slightly off the path, their heads turned up towards sky
and were gaping pointing struggling to keep away a scream
Stabbing holes and splitting you in two,
the beam made seam as it fell straight from the sky
Ringing an old wind chime and shaking a passerby then filling the air
until they hit those park trees
Are these lies? The heat is mocking me
“Bet you wish you were asleep, but it’s not a dream!”
Vision it blurred away and keeping my thoughts at bay I swear you stood there while keeping such a dark smile
Endlessly I see that over heated haze
And again the laughing will repeat on through the days
You’ve been dying for the past ten years
We are trapped in cycles and the end is never clear
But a story is a story all the same
And today like any has an ending so to say
Far away and out beyond that scorching summer day
Crashing in and hitting me instead you
I pushed you aside to nearly dodge a truck
Blood dripping everywhere and choking my smell of hair
You breathe in a gulp of air and just cant take it
Are these lies? I haven’t heard him say
“What you see is exactly what your gonna get”
Maybe this summer day has finally gone away
But that’s all I’ll say so this is where it ends now
August 14th and sitting alone on a bed a girl awakes repeating just the same
Muttering again
“Guess I failed again..” as she sat all alone
and held a cat still cradled in her arms
OrikaNekoiさんが歌うロシア語版 ローリンガール(VOCALOID)
“Rolling Girl (VOCALOID)” sung by OrikaNekoi in Russian.
Одинокая всегда была
В мире снов своих замкнулась.
В голове только шум один
Прочь прогнать хочу, прочь прогнать хочу!
“Нет проблем” всегда ее ответ,
Как будто слова она все позабыла.
Всё не так! снова не так
Сделала она, но хочет всё исправить!
Закружится вновь она!
Еще раз! Еще раз!
Я сегодня снова запнусь и упаду.
И я кричу, и я кричу,
подкрепляя музыкой слов своих значение.
“Ну а так нормально?” “Нет пока еще”,
потому что чем это кончится не вижу.
Прекращу дыхание своё сейчас!
Крутится она среди руин,
Где свет и цвет её не достанут.
Голоса в голове её звучат,
в гул перерастут, в гул перерастут.
“Нет проблем” – всегда её ответ,
как будто слова она все позабыла.
Как же я лучше стать могу?!
Ничего не остается – жизнь свою кручу!
И в самый низ сейчас скачусь…
Ещё раз! Ещё раз!
Прошу со мной сделай ты хоть оборот!
Я закричу! Я закричу
Глупые слова неясного значения.
“Ты лучше теперь?” “Может быть чуть-чуть”.
Сможешь ты увидеть это совсем скоро!
Задержу дыханье своё сейчас
Ещё раз! Ещё раз!
Я вращаться буду пока это могу!
Я прокричу, я прокричу
С улыбкой на устах, то что давно хотела!
“Лучше ли тебе? Вот и хорошо!
Позабудь о всём, ты наверное устала”
Прекращу дыхание своё сейчас!