【英語】Futuristic Imagination(東のエデン) – school food punishment

Sapphireさんが歌う英語版 Futuristic Imagination(東のエデン)
“Futuristic Imagination (Eden of the East)” sung by Sapphire in English.


It’s already midnight
Thought I had made my mind up
But you’re too much

Maybe it’s all right
Maybe one last time, but
I’m just too addicted

For a dream
What could I lose?
I keep believing you because I need to
So unashamed
Of the choice that I’ve made

Tonight if you listen
Tonight if you try
You’re gonna finally find out why I can’t hate you
Tonight if you listen
You might realize
How many bridges I’d dare to burn
To keep tonight

【ドイツ語】Feel Your Heart(名探偵コナン) – VELVET GARDEN

voiceappealさんが歌うドイツ語版 Feel Your Heart(名探偵コナン)
“Feel Your Heart (Detektiv Conan)” sung by voiceappeal in German.


Nie wird mir dieser Tag wieder entgeh’n
Wenn wir uns vereint wiedersehen
Und ich weiß genau — die Zukunft hängt von..

dem Morgen ab.
Welchen Weg ich geh, das weiß ich, doch
das Unbekannte, es zerrt an mir — so erreich ich dich nie!
Lerne, wie man träumt, denn ein Wunder ist gefragt
Verzage nicht — Mach die Augen zu…

FEEL YOUR HEART — und lass dich einfach geh’n
In einem Augenblick ist dir alles egal!
JUST MY LOVE — ist alles, was uns hält
Sei bereit, für die Zeit in der Leid vereint!
Alles das, woran ich noch gezweifelt hab
Wird ganz klein, du bist mein und ich bin dein
So kann es für immer sein x2

FEEL YOUR HEART — und lass dich einfach geh’n~

JUST MY LOVE — ist alles, was uns hält~


【英語】Sign(NARUTO -ナルト-) – FLOW

kizzy75さんが歌う英語版 Sign(NARUTO -ナルト-)
“Sign (Naruto)” sung by kizzy75 in English.


I realize the screaming pain
Hearing loud in my brain
But I’m going straight ahead
With this scar

Can you hear me
Can you hear me
Can you hear me, so am I

I don’t mind if you don’t remember
All the feelings that we used to share
For I’ve sealed away my heart into the darkness

It’s just fine if you end up hurting me
Because I don’t feel pain anymore
I just drag my feet behind me
Towards what’s held in store

I had been led astray
With no hope to be found
My heart whithered away
And I fell to the ground

Then I heard a voice within the blowing of the wind

Please let me show you the pain
My scars have made me obtain
Before the weight of the world
Comes crashing down on my shoulders

Do you remember the time
Our tears fell down from the sky

Someday soon when I am gone
Never think that I will neglect you
For the pain the that I have
Sealed away in your heart will protect you

【ドイツ語】Take Your Way(DEVIL SURVIVOR) – livetune adding Fukase

Chocolatex3Musicさんが歌うドイツ語版 Take Your Way(DEVIL SURVIVOR)
“Take Your Way (DEVIL SURVIVOR)” sung by Chocolatex3Music in German.


Die Fragen vor mir, sind wie
deine Augen die mich von dir Distanzier’n.
Doch ist noch unbestimmt, was nun geschieht.
Ich habe nie daran geglaubt, das sich was ändern wird.

Hätten wir eine Spur, die uns nach vorne führt
und einen Wunsch an den wir glauben.

Doch ich werde diesen – unvollständigen Traum
nicht aus den Augen verlier’n.
Schrei es heraus!

Mit meiner, tränen erfüllten Stimme rufe ich dich
Wenn ich es nur könnt, würde ich sie vor dir verstecken, denn
auch wenn du leidest oder einsam bist –
bist du nicht allein auf dieser Welt.
Ich möchte dich für immer in meinem Armen festhalten.
Ich wünschte du würdest verstehen warum es nur dich für mich gibt.
Meine Stimme, die weiter nach dir ruft, wird niemals – erlöschen –
bis mich das – Licht zur Zukunft bringt.

【英語】Destin Histoire(GOSICK) – yoshiki*lisa

MOM0KIさんが歌う英語版 Destin Histoire(GOSICK)
“Destin Histoire (GOSICK)” sung by MOM0KI in English.


Like our destiny was planned
The two of us come face to face
And I have known that from since then
We both have found our place.

Following an endless chain
Our eyes can never seem to see,
But we were led to meet and know
The changes that were to be

We Unite,
And fight the fight,
Although we’re different like dark and light.
Strongly, we are drawing near
To a mystery in the night.

If I can hear your voice calling out,
And all you whispers come into my ear,
I’ll see that you’re my door showing me
My future drawing near.

It’s not by chance that we’re together,
Cause all we’ve been through has led me to foresee,
That our great bond and endless courage
Has formed our destiny! Ah!!

You and me, will always be, for all eternity…

【英語】Howling(DARKER THAN BLACK) – abingdon boys school

Zoozbuhさんが歌う英語版 Howling(DARKER THAN BLACK)
“Howling (DARKER THAN BLACK)” sung by Zoozbuh in English.


The tears are flowing, indefinitely; pouring out of eyes which all stay shut
And any fragments of reason we have are just thrown away, with all the blood
Don’t want anything anymore (Emotions revealed as I turn around)
I don’t feel the way as before (Go bang, ya son of a gun)

As the space grows between both of our chests, in this embrace
Gradually, this body keeps craving more and more to feed its thirst

Through my fingertips, the darkness flows; gradually feeds on light and grows. It rips and pries you open until you are torn to shreds.
As I drift into a broken sleep, all my thoughts are scattered; my mind starts to creak.
If only I could just erase it all, and start this life anew..

Sun will rise, close your eyes
Hold inside, just howling in the shadows…


Access ranking June 2013

→ 1位: 【英語】Crossing Field(ソードアート・オンライン) – LiSA

↑ 2位: 【英語】紅蓮の弓矢(進撃の巨人) – Linked Horizon

→ 3位: 【英語】コネクト(魔法少女まどか☆マギカ) – ClariS

→ 4位: 【英語】君の知らない物語(化物語) – supercell

↘ 5位: 【英語】BLOODY STREAM(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険) – Coda

↘ 6位: 【ロシア語】美しき残酷な世界(進撃の巨人) – 日笠陽子

↑ 7位: 【英語】INNOCENCE(ソードアート・オンライン) – 藍井エイル

↑ 8位: supercell「君の知らない物語」で学ぶ英語

↗ 9位: 【英語】千本桜(VOCALOID) – 初音ミク

↑ 10位: 【英語】oath sign(Fate/Zero) – LiSA

【ポルトガル語】Undo(鋼の錬金術師) – COOL JOKE

André Morenoさんが歌うポルトガル語版 Undo(鋼の錬金術師)
“Undo (Fullmetal Alchemist)” sung by André Moreno in Portuguese.


Não poderão, poderão…
Nossas lembranças apagar
Ainda lembro aquele dia
Em que eu sorria
E juntos ainda podiamos sonhar

Tudo isso desabou em nós
Nos quebrou como taças de cristal
Penso agora em recuperar
As lembranças que
Já não estão
Guardadas em meu coração
A sua ausencia me mostrou a dor

De que serve o mundo sem você?
Já não tenho mais para onde correr
Tudo é como um quebra-cabeças
Me diga onde achar
As peças de sua alma e seu coração
É impossivel tentar te apagar

Por favor, por favor
Faça o tempo parar
Guardarei a sua sombra
Pra que não esqueça
Que preciso de você

E verá, e verá
Tudo eu sacrificarei
E achar aquela força
Que novamente
Irá juntar como antes eu e você

O destino que foi tão cruel
E acabou com o que era real
Mas não posso parar de sonhar
Que está junto á mim
E nunca mais vai voltar a me abandonar
E isso um dia será real

Não poderão, poderão…
Nossas lembranças apagar
Ainda lembro aquele dia
Em que eu sorria
E estava junto a mim

Por favor, por favor
Faça o tempo parar
Guardarei a sua sombra
Pra que não esqueça
Que preciso de você

E verá, e verá
Tudo eu sacrificarei
E achar aquela força
Que novamente
Irá juntar como antes eu e você

Amor (2x)